Of course Spring Break lead up to the test run at end of that week. We did it at The Landing at my church back home in Washington, Family Life Center in Mukilteo.
This is the flier I made that my mom emailed out the the church and my friends and family. About 13 people showed up which was a good turn out for this first rough run of my thesis.
Here is Blush with her minions from left to right Retna Burn, Blush, Subtlety, and Corporal Conundrum.
Retna Burn is working on creating the perfect weapon for their evil schemes!
And here we have the minions getting ready to go on another eeevil raid! Though I think they've already forgotten the plan Blush has told them....
And here we have my Uncle David who didn't know anything about the thesis acting the part of the vault for the bank. Retna Burn is sweetly asking her question!
Dude, this is turning out awesome. Looks like you've been working your butt off.