Sunday, July 3, 2011

Redo: Angel and Demon on the Shoulder

I intended to start this new section right after getting out of school but this took longer than I thought. This new section is called Redo where I take art that I did waay back before art school in my sketchbook and do newer versions of them. This is my first take at it.
The guy (Tai) is drawn with a pencil and scanned in and cleaned up. I decided to have fun and despite the mix not being perfect I drew the ladies (Lyra and Cassandra) all in Photoshop. A big feat for me is doing the line work on my tablet. I kept them simple since they are the ladies in his head so I felt the break in the styles was alright.

I made the mistake of not digging out the original I was basing this off of before starting it. I thought Tai was the subject but actually it was what goes in Cassandra's mind! As seen below there are little angel and demon copies of herself flirting with the little Tai in her head. Oops! Maybe I'll come back and Redo it correctly but for now I'm happy with this.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day-to-Day: Interesting Tour Guide

For my friend Hannah's birthday last weekend we always go to the Folk Life Festival at the Seattle Center. Well she also wanted to be surprised so we added going to the Underground Tour of Seattle.

The tour was...interesting. I wish we got a different tour guide but it was an experience. I was hoping the tour would be a little longer also. Though this is what the gal was wearing no joke and looked a little haggard like maybe she normally does the night tours.

We did get a wonderful amount of innuendos about "seamstresses" to make it more kid friendly when talking about the prostitution industry.

Ooh and favorite thing at the Folk Life Festival....Shishkaberries!!!! Yuuum! It ain't summer till I get some!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day-to-Day: Back in my old bedroom

Missed last weekend's set of updates but I'll call that my after college break. I am back and here is my first little update...
It has been strange being back in WA. I keep thinking any moment I'll have to go back to Oregon for school any moment. Still I am back in my old bedroom which is odd since while I've been gone it has become Olivia's bedroom and now we're sharing it. She's in the process of moving out while I am moving in so there's boxes and piles of things all around. But I am enjoying being back home with the family while looking for a job.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thesis: Video and Graduation Remarks

My video of Blush Corp Performance.

This is the two minute piece I am showing on a continual loop at the Thesis Senior Exhibition at PNCA. I am very proud of it! Now it's not a perfectly edited masterpiece. Very choppy but I have to say with my limited video skills I am very proud of it!

I cannot tell you how happy I am with my overall thesis. I loved my mentors Sara and Martin. They were so amazing with helping me whenever I asked. Linda for getting me the room I needed. Sure it's only been a month since that performance but really it has gotten me looking forward to the future! I love the team I have back home they are amazing both as actors and collaborators!

I have learned and grown so much from this thesis. Blush Corp has given me territory to grow confident in myself as a person and as an artist. I use to think that I was the one that always helped everyone else bring their visions to life but Blush Corp is my baby and I brought it through its step one. I even got this video up on YouTube! Yeah YouTube! Never bothered trying that before.

I really am ready and think I earned that degree I get tomorrow but also am not clinging to being outside of school. With that drive to collaborate I know you'll hear from me soon. Hopefully also from these eevil villains! Keep in touch those of you that part ways as we leave PNCA! It has been such a wonderful three years working alongside all of you. Your lives, your art inspires me and my dear classmates you drove me to become better both artistically and personally. We are an amazing class of Illustrators.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thesis: Whiteboard Doodles

Another little note on my thesis....during rehearsals my minions kept drawing things on the whiteboards. Here is an assortment of some of the things drawn:
The large Corporal was drawn by dear Hannah and the rest...I think was Tobi maybe Chase for the little figures at the top...not sure.

Still I have to say my thesis weekend of set up and rehearsals was so much fun! I was in shock and not even worried about it being my final enjoying the process with my crew! I am taking a little break on Blush Corp for now but can't wait to get back into it later.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Art: Typeface: Delicate Curves

For my Typography 2 class the final was creating our own typeface. Now that I have had the opportunity to step back from it a little I must say I am rather proud of it. I am not sure I want to work in the program FontLab any time soon but maybe in the future I'll polish this one up.

I started using grid paper to create the initial typeface. I wanted something less nauseating than Curlz MT and loved the thin lines in fonts like Helvetica UltraLight. I knew from past works in FontLab that I wanted one stroke weight and one size for the dots. I worked in both Illustrator and FontLab to create this.

The final I am rather happy with but there are a few areas that I would love to improve. I didn't get to creating the numbers for my typeface. I really want to improve the capital and lowercase S and would love to put more work into the spacings between them. Add some kerning especially with the lowercase f.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Art: Rest in Peace Puma

This was my final illustration for my Literature Seminar class The Aesthetics of Ugliness with Trevor Dodge. It was my commentary on how an attachment to objects can become an ugly thing since we become rather sad loosing something we come to consider almost a member of the family. Done with charcoal, conte, sharpie, and brush pens. I had way too much fun making this little piece.

Friday, May 13, 2011

My Art: Hated movie Napoleon Dynamite

We got the extra credit assignment of designing a poster for a movie that we hate. You would think a million movies would come to mind for me but I drew a blank. I decided to ask my good friends and both in their answers had Napoleon Dynamite. The main thing I hate about this movie more than the slow pace is that open gaping mouth breathing of the main character! Soo that became the focus of this movie poster.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Art: Portrait of Nicole Cuvin

Thank you everyone for following my blog. As it leaves the realm of being a class assignment that was suppose to have 16 posts minimum, *gloating* I'm up to 65 with this one, I do intend on continuing it past this school year. I have enjoyed this weekly assignment and hope to keep the three day weekend posts going as I continue on with this blog.

For my last "official" class post here is a portrait I drew of Nicole Cuvin during my Typography 2 class. I think I've gotten much better with doing quick portraiture.

I will miss all my friends from Portland but hope you all keep in contact with me over my blog I can't wait to see where we all go from here!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day-to-Day: Goose Hollow Classiness

Waiting for the Goose Hollow shuttle to school I heard this gal talking to her friend. She was using the words fuckin and like every other word! It was completely ridiculous. I think the English language was weeping.

Also I do not think it is too smart to talk about how ripped you got on weed everyday in public. And just because your doctor says that you shouldn't smoke cigarettes doesn't mean pot is a better substitute. Oh and I wasn't even trying to eavesdrop in on this conversation. She was louder than I usually am and for those who know me that is quite loud!

This is why I am glad I am leaving Goose Hollow that smells of refer down the hallways and is full of kids trying to figure out who they are going about it the wrong way. I am ready to graduate from college. I really look at these college freshmen and sophomores like I use to look at middle school kids in high school. So glad to be past that age group.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day-to-Day: Focus Week Presentations

Of course there was more to Focus Week than just myself presenting. I got to see many of my friends do wonderful presentations and here's my little drawn snapshot of each!

Amanda did amazing artwork on fairy tales, but since all her figures were female she got the eevil questions on feminism. Those are not her words but my own.

I can't begin to tell you how many people were drawing octopus or nonnopus at Andrea's proposal. Must say I am looking forward to seeing where her comic goes.

Nicole's oral presentation was so much fun and her art very playful. Ooh but it was so early in the morning!

Jenn did an amazing job at her oral defense! I have to say she thought one step ahead of me on what she was going to say next! She did an amazing job not only with talking about her work but answering questions!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Thesis: Finally Over...time to rest

Yes Focus Week is over! My performance a splendid hit. My oral defense went beautifully well. I of course passed the project portion. For those of you that read my Facebook posts you'll know that I now also have my thesis paper turned in! I get the results on Monday if I pass but I am not too worried about it.

For now I am letting the Blush wig rest. I am going to take a break for a month before getting back to working on them. This is not the end of Blush Corp though, my thesis is just the beginning...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day-to-Day: Thank You Self Portrait

For my illustration class we had to do a little thank you. I decided I wanted to finally draw myself in my glasses and with my now short haircut. I hadn't drawn more than a doodle of this new hair. It's not perfect but I do love it! By the way happy May Day! And thank you my readers for keeping up with my musings!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day-to-Day: Print Shops

I cannot believe I have forgotten to update my blog until now! But that is what happens when Focus Week (the week Seniors present their final thesis) does. Missing two updates...*sigh*
In the last three weeks I have had more encounters with print shops than I wanted. At the top a few weeks ago we went to Pinball Publishing on a field trip. It was interesting because once we were out there that was when Kristen mentioned the trip was optional. There wasn't much said that interested me as I am not as interested in the printing process.
The following week in Typography 2 some people came from Stumptown Printers to talk with us. It was much the same conversation and another talk that was not within my area of interest. I wish these were spread out so I didn't have to hear very similar talks so close to each oh well.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day-to-Day: Graffiti Downtown and the Pearl

Here are a few more posts of what I find around town.

There was a dash of Retna Burn downtown...

Here is the cute little star I saw at the galleria max stop. Not sure if it was on purpose but it was cute.

And right across from it was a cute big wonky star! This looks like the work of Retna Burn about Portland. She does love putting stars on everything.

And finally this one I had to take home. It was loosely stuck on a pole and I love it being on the cute little name tag. Hope you enjoyed the little treasures I find around town.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day-to-Day: Graffiti in Goose Hollow

Ah I love living in the Goose Hollow Apartments...the funky smells in the hallway...the sketchy shaky elevator... and of course the random drawings you find in the stairwells.

This little guy was adorable and I liked the use of the object to create this cute little creature.

Hannah is offended...or maybe she wrote it there. The floor below had sup hoe written with white eraser fluid for quite a while and I suppose someone answered above with something a little more humorous.

Of course there is always the lovely PSU blackboard wall near the mailboxes. I have to say though the Easter Bunny on steroids with a kid freaking out was a a little much. Especially when you add in the beer and wine fest passed out drunk guy.

I love this little guy so adorable. I also love that it's on a postage label. Very cute.

This one just made me chuckle. Rock on!

I love when people have fun with making characters out of boards. I do wish they put expressions on the cars beside it. Maybe one a little scared and the other blushing would have been cute!

Hope you enjoyed all the little things I found.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day-to-Day: Hair length

Something I surprisingly didn't mention with the wig post is the fact that I had to get a haircut preemptively. While I was working on the wig I discovered that my hair was too thick and almost like wearing a third wig underneath my skullcap. Soo here it is my before and after hair drawn!

I will say that I was a little sad about having to cut it earlier than I wanted. I have been getting tons of compliments over the new cut. One thing that's odd is I forget all the time that I got my haircut because it's still in my face a lot of the time. Hehe.
One thing I do miss is hair swooshing is harder to do. What I mean by that is flipping my hair in the wind, it doesn't weigh as much so it is harder to do and also doesn't look as dramatic when done.
Oh well onwards and upwards to my thesis! One benefit of this hair is that it does look awesome after being under two wigs for hours.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day-to-Day: Portrait: Myself

These are some last semester portraits I did of myself that I love quite a bit. They were both drawn looking at my reflection on the Mac desktop computers at the school when they're turned off. I love the reflection on the black background of the blank screen.

Obviously this last one was drawn during the time I was putting together my Keynote (for non Mac friends the apple version of Powerpoint) for my proposal of my thesis. Boy has time flown by!

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Art: Marie Antoinette

We got our second art direct each other assignment. I paired up this time with Amanda and gave her the task of making something a little more typography centric. I will either post a link to what she did or put it up here on my blog later.
As for myself she gave me the assignment of doing a bust of Marie Antoinette with more detail in it than some of my other pieces. I of course had to get the likeness of someone and decided to choose her. Hehe she was a little embarrassed when she learned I picked her as my model. Below are my sketches and under that the final. I will spare Amanda the embarrassment and not put up the stock photo I got of her for the final.

I did enjoy all of my sketches but sadly only one had time to go foreword so the hat won out. I did enjoy doing a piece that was more painting than the other art I do. It was relaxing to sit down and get in the zone.

And now the final...the scan is not as good as the original sadly...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day-to-Day: My Workspace I SPY edition!

This is my art desk that I got for free from my good friend Brett Birdsong. Him and his father Tal who was my Sunday School teacher back in 5th grade made this desk themselves! It is amazing and sturdy! I can adjust the angle and height of the desk. It also has a little holder that I took off that keeps pens from rolling off. I play with it too much when it's attached. And the best's got wheels!

On the right I have duck taped a power strip so that I can plug in the electronic things on my desk easier. I have also attached a magnifying light that was for doing puzzles in Seaside and now I use for more light when I work on my art.

Now for a little I SPY:
2 boxes of Goldfish (which I love to eat)
1 role of "napkins"
1 X-Acto blade
2 Subtletys
1 little King Kana (external hard drive)
3 tiny sketchbooks
1 Matsu (cellphone)
1 red panda
1 Captain Picard
15 Elmer's Paintastic brush pens
2 orange earplugs
1 PNCA planner (sometimes used)
1 kiwi heart shaped lollipop
1 Mac Book Pro
2 bridesmaid fake flowers
1 pot holder...really it's just a dishtowel
6 pencils
1 hanger
1 wig tag
1 Captain Kirk
2 hearts
2 red items with gold swirls
1 compass
4 brushes
1 TRIMET ticket
1 salt shaker
1 rubber cement
3 kitchen is queen
and 1 Orion slave girl!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day-to-Day: Glasses Doodle

A while ago I tried to draw myself with my new glasses when I still had my long hair. I liked the little Ariel swoop I'd been doing. I don't think this drawing looks anything like me and the funny expression I made in the mirror didn't draw out as intended. Though I do love the simple coloring I did.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thesis: The Test Run

Of course Spring Break lead up to the test run at end of that week. We did it at The Landing at my church back home in Washington, Family Life Center in Mukilteo.

This is the flier I made that my mom emailed out the the church and my friends and family. About 13 people showed up which was a good turn out for this first rough run of my thesis.

Here is Blush with her minions from left to right Retna Burn, Blush, Subtlety, and Corporal Conundrum.

Retna Burn is working on creating the perfect weapon for their evil schemes!

And here we have the minions getting ready to go on another eeevil raid! Though I think they've already forgotten the plan Blush has told them....

And here we have my Uncle David who didn't know anything about the thesis acting the part of the vault for the bank. Retna Burn is sweetly asking her question!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thesis: Spring Break Distractions

Of course while rehearsing we had other distractions during the week or ways to take a refreshing break....

Olivia the original Retna Burn with Chase the current Retna Burn. Olivia is sorting her assorted jug of beads to make bead sprites. Of course Chase and I had a little too much fun obsessively sorting them with her.

Chase by the end of the week had a haircut as did I but we had to figure out what we might want. My dad bought a tablet (not iPad) that we could draw on with our fingers so here is Chase drawing an idea for her hair. We had too much fun drawing on this thing and it got worse when I found sudoku on it! I was obsessively playing that thing for half the week!

Of course as with all the times we are having fun Chase breaks down crying in laughter. None of us can remember why she had her bout of hysteria. She does it every time we play a board game getting waay too over excited and in the moment. Hehe it's one of the delights of when we all play together!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thesis: Rehearsing at the House

Here is a little more about the rehearsal process at the house.

First here is Corporal Conundrum getting into character hamming up at the camera.

We needed a stand in weapon for the one Retna Burn creates so Subtlety has the blow dryer as a stand in. Funny thing is our poor little dog Wicket was terrified of the thing since he got groomed recently.

And of course I cannot stop talking about the rehearsal process without talking about Shawna and Wicket. Our dog was a funny little random distraction element. And Shawna was amazing! She was there to be our "randomly picked" member of the audience. She had to do the final skit soo many times it must have driven her insane!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thesis: My Casual Minions

Over Spring Break we had rehersals at my house running through the play. So here they are my casual minions...

Tobi aka Subtlety is pointing out the bells on her ankles proudly. Chase aka Retna Burn is wearing her cute tutu's still not at the full poof they had by the end of the week being a little space cadet. Hannah aka Corporal Conundrum is wearing the boots we found along with the trench coat and shirt she already had.

Corporal is not happy with the happy Retna Burn and playful Subtlety behind him. He hates being the only guy of the group some times.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thesis: Blush's Wig

It's been a long road to get to this final wig. Lots of stress and pain and trouble with not only building it but also not getting some of the wigs I wanted.
The Blush wig is constructed of two wigs. The top is a Farrah Fawcett wig and curls up nicely. The bottom was suppose to be a straight blonde wig of the same color. I had a problem though, Display and Costume didn't have anymore so I tried to order online a blonde straight one. It was a horrid more plasticky looking one with a yellowy honey color. So I had a dilemma.
I thought I would integrate my own long hair as the bottom but it wasn't working out. I finally remembered that I have a long white wig that I didn't use for an older cosplay I didn't finish. Blush is 200 years old so this worked perfectly.
I ended up cutting off some of the old Blush wig to lengthen the braid in the back and have the white and blonde in the wig mix more. There are also white strands that swirl up through the blonde wig some following the curls others going against it.

This time around making the wig I discovered I could use straighteners, curling irons, and hairspray on it. I of course still used copious amounts of hot glue.
In this picture the top blonde wig has bangs which I later had to take away. At this stage I thought I would be using my own hair for the bottom half so I made the bangs out of this wig.

This is my drawing of what the wig ended up looking like. It shows a little more the swirls on the side of the hair that I've added.

And of course a picture of what the wig looked like on me for the test run. I do need to get more pictures of this wig on the head with a better turn around view. I do like this new wig but it will take a bit longer to forget the stress and fall in love with it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day-to-Day: The Car Accident

Over Spring Break my sister and I got in an accident. We're all fine there were no injuries other than a sore neck for a few days. It wasn't our fault, officially declared by the insurance. I was the passenger. The lady who turned in front of us had her airbags go off but ours didn't. Sadly our Puma...the nickname for our Hyndai SantaFe is toast. The damages are more than the repair costs so the Puma is getting totaled.